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By Chanté Petersen

Science, Faith or Both?

Academics find modern truths in ancient texts

A scientist in part eight of the documentary The Divine Book explains to a crowd that he went from being certain that there is no God to the certainty that there has to be a God.


The science vs religion argument rages on and is possibly the reason people lose their faith. How can we fully believe in the theory of creation, which we can neither see nor touch, if science holds physical proof of how our universe was created? This scientist says he recently read the Qur’an and came across scientific facts that he knew have only been ‘discovered’ since the 20th century – though the Qur’an having been written about 1400 years ago.


American Astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is ‘constantly expanding’. Hubble's Law indicates the rate at which the universe is expanding and how it continues to expand. It is one of the most significant methods in cosmology because it’s used to estimate the age and size of the universe. However, this rate of expansion is not constant.


"With power did we construct the Heaven. Verily, we are able to extend the vastness of space thereof." (Qur'an 51:47).


This implies that we will continue to expand it.


The Qur’an contains detailed stages of human embryology (Surah 23 V12-14): “As far as it is known from the history of embryology, little was known about the staging and classification of human embryos until the 20th century,” says Doctor Keith Moore, a professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Toronto, Canada.


These are just a few intriguing facts, but it’s a question of whether you believe either in science or in faith or contemplate whether science is the physical proof/confirmation of God’s word and creation.


For more on this, see a link to my blog called Liberandam Animum:

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