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By Yandisa Qwabe


Being a university student can be one of life’s most exciting and fascinating experiences. It could be seen as a step in the right direction, but many people don’t realise a student lifestyle can lead to bad decision-making that can ultimately have a negative effect on their lives.

Most parents want to see their son or daughter deservedly receive a degree or diploma and become independent. Many parents spend sleepless nights trying to find solutions to financial problems to which we are oblivious. They have to find alternative revenue streams to pay for our university fees and other expenses.


But the important question is: do we as students live up to our parents’ expectations? The transition from high school to tertiary institutions can be confusing to some students. Varsity is where every student realises that they are responsible for their own actions and choices: they become adults and accountable for any decisions they make.



Highs & Lows of Student Life

Play Now, Pay Later.

​Student life can be quite demanding at times, especially when faced with a truck-load of assignments and on top of that students still have to keep a good balance between their studies and social life. In university you are on your own when being tested, but the tragic part is that one wrong move can negatively affect your entire future.


Most students living on campus host parties in their rooms almost every weekend, resulting in excessive drinking and unprotected sex, which often results in unwanted pregnancies causing female students to drop out so as to take care of their babies. Most students are party animals, which is pretty standard. We cannot deny that and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, but it seems that most students get carried away with the whole partying thing at times and lose focus.


The motto ‘YOLO’ (You Only Live Once) is used by students and it is evident when you get to see them partying at these bashes and events that usually take place during the course of the year. They really live for the moment. There are popular hangout spots like the Pool-house and student centres where you are more likely to spot the ‘usual suspects’ (party animals) at these gatherings screaming at the top of their lungs and having a great time.


Students’ lifestyle differs from one institution to another. For example, students from Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) don’t take sport as seriously as students from the University of Western Cape (UWC). Almost every Monday evening, UWC students are involved in sporting events and you’ll notice that the stadium is always filled with students cheering while consuming large amounts of alcohol as they support the players. That is not the case with CPUT students.


There’s a level of difference when it comes to how females and males behave, especially those who stay on campus. Even though they all spend time with friends and in groups, they are very busy on their phones. You are most likely to see this among female students, especially the very beautiful and implausibly sexy ones who spend most of their entire three to six years at varsity having a rather rich boyfriend who is most likely married with kids. It is no secret that many of these female students have a thing for guys with fancy rides and a fat wallet. They refer to these guys as their ‘finance ministers’ because the guys support them financially during times of hunger, which often occur after female students blow their allowance money on jewellery, accessories and nice clothes and end up not buying enough food to last them through the month. Male students usually blow money on alcohol and gadgets such as very powerful sound systems so as to attract attention from the females.


The life at higher education institutions is of course the best ever. It is a period of experiencing and learning about life’s challenges at the same time. The most important part is how each student overcomes these challenges on their own. To some, being a university student is a big deal while some find it hard to hang in there because of the immense pressure caused by high parental expectations.


Much of the time is taken very lightly at varsity and no s#*t is given. It’s all fun and games until the results come out.


But who give a s#*t?

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